credits - Torque(HF)
New And Updated Alternative Method HERE
Step 1: Download Cain and Abel. Cain and Abel is the tool that we will be using to obtain the IP address of our slave. The program can be found HERE or HERE The program will be detected by AV as a virus, however I've been using it for a long time and can vouch for it. I promise it isn't.
Step 2:Turn on your xbox and find a target. This can be anyone. A person from your friends list, a person in your game, anyone. Once you've picked a person, write down there gamertag for future reference.
Step 3: Open up Cain for the first time. If you're a beginner, this will look strange, but don't worry. In the top corner, you will see a small button looking like this make sure this feature is selected, as this is the sniffer.
Step 4: In Cain, select the sniffer tab. You may see a list of ip addresses already here, don't worry, just ignore them. What you are going to want to do, is right click and select 'Scan MAC adress'
Step 5: This SHOULD be pre-configured, all that you will want is 'all hosts in my subnet' selected. It should look exactly like this, if that is all good, click ok.
Step 6: In the list of IP addresses, you will now see one titled MICROSOFT CORPORATION. This is your xbox's address, take note of the MAC adress. Now, at the bottom of the page click 'APR' this can be shown here. Once it is selected, click the + sign at the top of your screen.
Step 7: You will now see a menu looking like this. Select your router on the menu, and then the MAC address of your console, this will not be the same as mine, and varies between people.
Step 8: In the APR menu, you will now have your xbox shown. Next to the icon it will say 'Idle' this means you have correctly performed the steps up to now.
Step 9: Bring up the chosen target from earlier, and invite them to a private chat. Make sure that you aren't in a game! Now that you have them in a chat, click the small nuke symbol in the top left hand corner. The IP address of the person will appear in the bottom box of the menu! WARNING: If the IP ends in 180, that is a Microsoft IP address.
Now that you have there IP you can do many things, look through the tutorials section of the fourm for ideas! :D
A great thing to do is boot them. This means that you can kick them offline. You will need a booter to do this, I reccomend:
Xtreme STRESSER. A BEAST booter, at a great price! Found here!
Illuminati stresser, another awesome booter at a great price! found here!